Wednesday, February 21, 2007

YOUTUBE video on Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution

I’ve just come across this great video (above) full of proletarian imagery. Not only is it an interesting video, but the following comments from people who have viewed it on Youtube are worth reading.

It's important that we honour the proletarian past without lapsing into passive nostalgia. The task that we all face is how to remain embedded in the working class whilst striving to continually raise the level of struggle going on around us.

Long live Mao Zedong Thought!

xxfireb0ixx (2 days ago)
this is a great video. The East is Red.. beautiful song
sanvera18 (5 days ago)
Most of this "I know everything bird brains" have not really studied the the true history and struggles of the Great Proletarian Revolution, truly there have been grave mistakes, but this mistakes have been recognized. There was a need at that time to for the Cultural revolution it was a means of cleansing, against the growing number of opportunists in the party. Same as the need for a Second Proletarian Cultural Revolution in modern China.
xgreatking (4 days ago)
I don't really endorse a "Second Proletarian Cultural Revolution", because I don't feel that it is necessary right now. Many people in China have grown more nationalistic, as a result of our economic success as of late. But you're right, the Cultural Revolution did have achieve some of its goals back then.
xgreatking (6 days ago)
(cont) Everyone went through this tough time together, knowing that the Communist Party was doing the best for not only China, but other struggling nations as well. Many 3rd world developing nations at that time were in need of assistance, and China commonly supplied them with foodstuffs and other needs. I do agree with you that Deng Xiaoping brought about the means for modern China, but the successes of the early Communist party also cannot be forgotten.
xgreatking (6 days ago)
If you have ever read about the history of China from 1949 forward, you would know that there was a period of great droughts, and of great famines during the period of the 60s and 70s. My parents, who are from Beijing and Shandong countryside have told me stories about their first-hand experiences, and they say, yes it was a difficult time and sometimes there was nothing to eat but plain rice, but they lived through it together with the nation as a whole.
xgreatking (1 week ago)
Chairman Mao was the one who originally turned China around. Sure, some of his ideas may have turned out bad (Great Leap Forward) and even the Cultural Revolution was not as successful as it is portrayed here, but you cannot deny that his intent was for the advancement of the Chinese people. If it was not for Mao, I doubt China would have seen as much reform as they have in the last 50 is incredible how much China has improved since the founding of the People's Republic.
vickymouf (1 week ago)
Awesome!!! But a little too glowing. Doesn't mention that the GPCR actually failed to get rid of the "Thermidorians", despite its attempts. Did the person who made this actually forget about Deng and the capitalist roaders?
Asguitar (1 week ago)
markma5511 (1 month ago)
this is the best video in youtube.
Lycan87 (1 month ago)
To a New Great Proletarian Revolution!
Vlader75 (3 months ago)
The core force leading our cause is the Chinese Communist Party.The theoretical base guiding our thinking is Marxism-Leninism.(Shouting) Long live the Communist Party!Long live Chairman Mao! Long live the Communist Party!A long, long life!
Xuemangong (4 months ago)
Excellent work. a gigantic experiment such as Cultural Revolution, people still will talk about it 1000 years later
arobotar (5 months ago)
I'm glad someone is finally presenting this perspective -- surely the perspective of the millions and millions of individuals who democratically participated in the Cultural Revolution. Though I do have some reservations with regards to the GPCR, this video rather accurately summarizes the attitude of the time.
MaoTzu (5 months ago)
Long Live Marxism Leninism Mao Tse Tung Thought!

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