Friday, April 12, 2024

Mao Zedong: Disagreeing with the reference to Maoism.





未元电(2)悉。那样说是很不适当的。现在没有什么毛泽东主义,因此不能说毛泽东主义。不是什么“主要的要学毛泽东主义”,而是必须号召学生们学习马恩列斯的理论和中国革名的经验。这里所说的“中国革命的经验”是包括中国共产党人(毛泽东也是在内)根据马恩列斯理论所写的某些小册子及党中央各顶规定路线和政策的文件在内。另外,有些同志在刊物上将我的名字和马恩列斯并列,说成什么“马恩列斯毛”,也是错误的。你的说法和这后一种说法都是不合实际的,是无益 有害的,必定坚决反对这样说。



(1)     吴玉章 (1878-1966), 四川容县人。当时任华北大学校长。

(2)     指吴玉章1948813日給周恩来的电报。 在电报中,吴玉章表示在华北大学成立典礼上提出“主要的要学毛泽东主义” “把毛泽东思想改成毛泽东主义“。 对这样的提法”是否妥当“,请周恩来”同主席和少奇同志商量后,赐以指示“。


Disagreeing with the reference to Maoism.

(August 15, 1948)

Comrade Wu Yuzhang, 1

We have just received your letter. That would be very inappropriate. There is no such thing as Maoism now, so you can't say Maoism. Instead of "mainly studying Maoism", students must be called upon to study the theories of the Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin and the experience of the Chinese Revolution. The "experience of the Chinese Revolution" here includes certain pamphlets written by the Chinese Communists (including Mao Zedong) on the basis of the theories of Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin as well as documents of the Central Committee of the Communist Party setting out its lines and policies. In addition, some comrades have wrongly juxtaposed my name with that of Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin in their publications, saying something like "Marx-Engels-Lenin-Stalin-Mao". This is also wrong. Both your statement and this latter one are unrealistic, unhelpful and harmful, and must be strongly rejected.

Mao Zedong


(1)   Wu Yuzhang (1878-1966) was a native of Rongxian, Sichuan. At that time, he was the president of North China University.

(2)   (1) This refers to a telegram dated 13 August 1948 from Wu Yuchang to Zhou Enlai. In the telegram, Wu Yuzhang stated that at the inauguration ceremony of the North China University, he had proposed that "the main thing to be learnt is Maoism" and that "Mao Zedong Thought should be changed into Maoism". Zhou Enlai was asked to "discuss with the Chairman and Comrade Shaoqi and give instructions" as to whether such a proposal was "appropriate".


Translated from the Collected Works of Mao Zedong Vol 24 p.371 - 24-sm.pdf (


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