Saturday, August 17, 2024

My letter to Peter Dutton, Leader of the Opposition

 The Leader of the Australian Opposition, the despicable racist ad reactionary Peter Dutton, has said that Australia should not take in refugees or grant any form of visa to Palestinians from Gaza, because they may be terrorists. However, he is happy for Jewish Australian citizens to serve in the genocidal and terrorist Israeli Defence Force, and to take in Israeli citizens applying to come to Australia.

I have sent him the following letter to remind him of the cruel inhumanity of his attitude towards the victims of Israel's aggression.


(Address supplied_

18 August 2024


Dear Mr Dutton

Could you please…


a little more…



to the non-combatant…



of Israeli aggression…

and genocide…


in the West Bank and Gaza…

and their families (or what’s left of them).

Thank you,

(name supplied)

73-year old 5th generation white Australian.