Sunday, September 07, 2008

Imperialist War Fair Stopped!

A Great Victory for Our Times!

As reported in a previous post, the Asia-Pacific Defence and Security Exhibition (APDSE) was to have been opened in Adelaide on Remembrance Day, November 11 2008.

However, the South Australian government has decided to cancel the event. Acting Premier and State Treasurer Kevin Foley cited the possibility of violent protest by “feral low-lives” as the reason.

Anti-war campaigners including the Adelaide Stop the War Fair Coalition, NoWar SA and OzPeace celebrated the victory of the cancellation of the exhibition describing it as a “huge victory for all South Australians who want peace, not war.”

The hypocrisy of the social-democratic State Labor government in all of this is just unbelievable.

It has actively promoted Adelaide as the ‘high-tech defence capital of the region” and boasts about the incentives it offers to armament and weapon systems companies to establish their headquarters in SA.

The neatly groomed and business-suited heads of these companies are very respectable bourgeois. Probably not one among them is a dreadlocked vegetarian.

But they are people whose every activity is designed to result in the deliberate and calculating infliction of violence onto others. And whilst there is just violence and unjust violence, theirs is invariably of the latter variety, targeted at countries seeking independence, nations seeking liberation, and people wanting to change their lives for the better through revolution and struggle.

Although they may dress like bankers’ nieces and insurance salesmen, the exhibitors at the imperialist war fair are the real feral lowlives, the absolute scum of humanity and enemies of the people.

And as far Kevin Foley, political patron of these arms merchants, labelling the anti-war and anti-imperialist masses as “feral lowlives”, it just goes to prove that it takes one to know one!

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