Sunday, September 23, 2007

The Myth of the "Information-starved" Parent

Kirsten Storry has published a piece in the Newcastle Herald (Sept, 15, 2007) under the title "Testing times for literacy and numeracy".

Regrettably, she has slandered school systems which she accuses of refusing to share information about student performance, allowing our "worst achieving continue to post low achievement rates year after year", and overriding "parents' right to know how their child's school is performing".

In SA each public school must compile an annual report, and that report must be made available to the school community either as a hard copy or online. The reports detail attendance, retention, achievement and other matters (see example: ).

How could any parent be "information-starved"?

Making such information available on a school-by-school basis is a far cry from the conservative voyuerism of page three league tables that certain publishers believe would boost sales of the print media.

There are more important issues in education - just look at the OECD's most recent report comparing education funding in the advanced capitalist world.

Australia recorded the third-lowest proportion of public funding.

Given that we have a huge country (same size, roughly as China or the US), massive mineral and other natural resources, a relatively strong economy and such a low population, shouldn't there be more funding for a world's best education system?

Write about that, Kirsten!

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